Contemporary Political and Social Events in the United States Quiz

Test your knowledge on US politics & society. Who's the current president? What laws passed recently? Dive into US history & politics!


Who is the current President of the United States as of 2024?

Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton

Which social movement gained significant attention in the US during the past year?

Occupy Wall Street
Black Lives Matter
Me Too
Tea Party Movement

Who was the 46th President of the United States?

Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Barack Obama
George W. Bush

What was the name of the landmark healthcare reform signed into law by President Obama in 2010?

Medicare for All Act
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Medicaid Expansion Act
Healthcare Access and Reform Act

Which major protest movement in 2020 called for police reform and racial justice?

Occupy Wall Street
Me Too movement
March for Our Lives
Black Lives Matter

Who was the first African American to serve as President of the United States?

Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Donald Trump
George W. Bush

What is the name of the Supreme Court Justice who retired in the previous year, leading to a nomination process?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
John Roberts

Which major piece of legislation was passed by the US Congress recently, impacting healthcare?

Affordable Care Act
Medicare for All
American Health Care Act
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act

Which event sparked the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013?

The shooting of Trayvon Martin
The killing of George Floyd
The Ferguson unrest
The election of Barack Obama

Which social media platform faced scrutiny for its role in spreading misinformation and influencing elections?


Which Supreme Court decision legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015?

Brown v. Board of Education
Roe v. Wade
Obergefell v. Hodges
Citizens United v. FEC

Which organization is responsible for overseeing the presidential debates in the United States?

Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD)
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC)

Which state's voting laws were subject to significant controversy and debate in the recent political climate?

New York

What is the name of the controversial immigration policy implemented by the Trump administration?

Immigration Reform and Control Act
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Family Separation Policy
Secure Fence Act

What event led to the second impeachment of President Donald Trump?

Ukraine scandal
Storming of the Capitol
COVID-19 response
Russia investigation

What is the name of the treaty that the United States withdrew from under the Trump administration, causing significant international controversy?

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Paris Agreement
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

Who was the first openly gay member of the United States Cabinet?

Hillary Clinton
Pete Buttigieg
Joe Biden
Tammy Baldwin

What was the name of the Supreme Court Justice whose death in 2020 led to a contentious nomination process to fill the vacancy?

Antonin Scalia
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Anthony Kennedy
Clarence Thomas

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