Aircraft Automation and Control Systems Quiz

Test your knowledge on autopilot, fly-by-wire, FADEC, GPWS, autothrottle & more. Explore modern aircraft control systems!


Which of the following is a primary function of an autopilot system in an aircraft?

Maintaining a constant altitude and heading
Controlling cabin temperature
Managing in-flight entertainment systems
Refueling the aircraft

What is the function of an autothrottle system in an aircraft?

To adjust the aircraft's cabin pressure
To control the aircraft's speed
To regulate the aircraft's fuel flow
To manage the aircraft's communication systems

In a modern glass cockpit, what replaces traditional mechanical gauges and dials?

Digital displays
Analog meters
Paper charts
Manual controls

What is the function of a gust alleviation system in an aircraft?

To reduce turbulence during flight
To maintain cabin pressure
To adjust the aircraft's altitude
To stabilize the aircraft in gusty conditions

Which component is responsible for transmitting control inputs from the pilot to the aircraft's control surfaces?

Flight management computer
Flight control computer
Control column or yoke
Autopilot system

What is the purpose of a fly-by-wire system in modern aircraft?

To manually control the aircraft's movements
To automate the landing process
To electronically transmit flight control inputs
To control the aircraft's fuel consumption

Which component is responsible for managing the aircraft's engine performance in an FADEC system?

Flight control computer
Engine control unit
Hydraulic system

What is the purpose of a yaw damper in an aircraft's control system?

To control the aircraft's pitch
To stabilize the aircraft's yaw motion
To adjust the aircraft's roll angle
To increase the aircraft's speed

Which of the following is a function of an aircraft's flight management system (FMS)?

Monitoring cabin temperature
Controlling the aircraft's fuel flow
Managing navigation and route planning
Adjusting the aircraft's altitude

What is the purpose of an angle of attack (AOA) sensor in an aircraft's control system?

To measure the aircraft's altitude
To detect changes in the aircraft's speed
To monitor engine performance
To manage cabin pressure

Which of the following is a key feature of a ground proximity warning system (GPWS) in an aircraft?

Monitoring cabin pressure
Detecting nearby air traffic
Providing alerts for terrain proximity
Adjusting the aircraft's altitude automatically

Which type of autopilot system relies on GPS for navigation and control?

Inertial navigation system (INS)
Attitude and heading reference system (AHRS)
Satellite-based navigation system
Radar-based navigation system

Which of the following is a function of an aircraft's envelope protection system?

To prevent the aircraft from stalling or exceeding its structural limits
To regulate the aircraft's fuel flow
To monitor and adjust cabin pressure
To manage in-flight entertainment systems

Which system is responsible for managing the deployment of an aircraft's emergency oxygen masks?

Flight management system
Oxygen generator system
Emergency pressurization system
Oxygen mask control unit

What is the primary purpose of an aircraft's inertial navigation system (INS)?

To manage the aircraft's fuel consumption
To provide real-time weather updates to the pilot
To calculate the aircraft's position and orientation
To adjust cabin pressure based on altitude

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