Understanding Environmental Science - Greenhouse Effect Quiz

Test your knowledge on the greenhouse effect, its causes, impacts, and solutions. Dive into climatology with this informative quiz.


What is the Greenhouse Effect?

A method of growing plants in controlled environments
The warming of Earth's surface and atmosphere caused by the presence of greenhouse gases
A cooling effect that reduces Earth's temperature
An agricultural technique for crop cultivation

Which gas is the primary contributor to the Greenhouse Effect?

Carbon Dioxide

Which of the following activities is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions?

Breathing in mammals
Photosynthesis in plants
Burning fossil fuels
Formation of sedimentary rocks

How does deforestation affect the Greenhouse Effect?

Increases oxygen levels and decreases the effect
Has no significant effect
Increases greenhouse gas concentrations by reducing carbon dioxide absorption
Decreases methane levels in the atmosphere

What role do oceans play in the Greenhouse Effect?

Oceans release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
Oceans absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity
Oceans reflect sunlight, reducing the Earth's temperature
Oceans have no significant role in the Greenhouse Effect

What is the significance of the Kyoto Protocol?

It was a global agreement to protect endangered species
It was an international treaty to reduce carbon emissions
It established the United Nations Environment Programme
It promoted the use of renewable energy sources

What is the impact of methane compared to carbon dioxide on global warming over a 100-year period?

Methane has about the same impact as carbon dioxide
Methane has a lower global warming potential than carbon dioxide
Methane has a higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide
Methane cools the Earth, reducing the global warming effect

What is the potential consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect?

Decrease in global temperatures
Stabilization of sea levels
Increased biodiversity
Rising global temperatures and extreme weather events

What is carbon sequestration?

The process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide
The release of carbon dioxide during volcanic eruptions
The conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis
The increase of carbon dioxide absorption by the oceans

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