¿Cómo se dice '2:45 PM' en español?
What does 'Ayer' mean in English?
What is the Spanish word for 'minute'?
What is the Spanish word for 'second'?
What is the Spanish word for 'week'?
Which of the following is the correct translation for '10:30 AM' in Spanish?
If someone says 'Son las ocho menos cuarto', what time is it in Spanish?
If someone says 'Es la una y media', what time is it in Spanish?
What is the Spanish word for 'hour'?
If someone says 'Son las seis en punto', what time is it in Spanish?
What does 'cuarto' mean in the context of time?
How do you say '3:20 AM' in Spanish?
If it's 'medianoche' in Spanish, what time is it?
How do you say '5:45 PM' in Spanish?
If 'la hora' is feminine, which of the following is correct?
How do you say '9:50 AM' in Spanish?