Which conjunction is used to express purpose or reason?
Which conjunction is used to introduce a concessive clause?
Choose the correct subordinating conjunction in the sentence: 'Volveré a menos que me llamen'.
Choose the correct subordinating conjunction in the sentence: 'Hablo en español para que todos me entiendan'.
Choose the correct subordinating conjunction in the sentence: 'Jugaré mientras espero a mis amigos'.
What does 'ya que' mean in English?
Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence: 'Voy a estudiar antes de que llegues.'
In the sentence 'Esperaré hasta que vuelvas', what is the function of 'hasta que'?
What is the meaning of 'como si' in English?
What does 'puesto que' mean in English?
Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence: 'Trabajaré hasta que termine el proyecto'.
What does 'a medida que' mean in English?
Choose the correct translation for 'although' in Spanish.
Identify the correct subordinating conjunction in the sentence: 'Me quedaré en casa a menos que llueva'.
Translate 'tan pronto como' to English.
Translate 'a pesar de que' to English.