Personal Safety and Risk Assessment Quiz

Test your knowledge on personal safety practices, risk assessment, and self-defense strategies. Get ready to enhance your safety skills!


What is the most important aspect of personal safety?

Being aware of your surroundings
Having a self-defense weapon
Wearing reflective clothing
Having a smartphone

Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for personal safety?

Walking alone in poorly lit areas
Letting someone know your whereabouts
Trusting your instincts
Avoiding confrontations

What is the purpose of a risk assessment?

To eliminate all risks
To identify, assess, and mitigate potential hazards
To increase risk factors
To ignore potential dangers

Which of the following is NOT a common method for assessing risks?

SWOT analysis
Fault tree analysis
Risk matrix

What is the primary goal of personal safety training?

To increase paranoia
To develop situational awareness and response skills
To encourage risky behavior
To instill fear in individuals

What should you do if you suspect someone is following you?

Confront them
Ignore them and keep walking
Find a safe place and call for help
Hail a taxi and leave immediately

Which of the following is a common tactic used by attackers?

Making loud noises
Asking for directions
Offering assistance with groceries
Creating a distraction

What does the 'likelihood' component in risk assessment refer to?

The potential impact of a risk event
The frequency or probability of a risk event occurring
The severity of consequences
The speed at which a risk event unfolds

Which of the following is a common risk response strategy?

Risk acceptance
Risk multiplication
Risk ignorance
Risk enhancement

What is the 'ABC' approach in personal safety?

Always Be Careless
Alert, Breathing, Calm
Avoid, Breathe, Call
Awareness, Boundaries, Communication

What does the acronym 'S.A.F.E.' stand for in personal safety?

Stay away, fight, escape
Stay alert, fight, evacuate
Stay calm, assess, flee, ensure safety
Stay strong, alert, find escape routes

What is the purpose of monitoring and reviewing risks?

To create more risks
To ensure risks remain unchanged
To identify changes in risks and update risk management plans
To ignore potential risks

What is the role of physical fitness in personal safety?

It has no relevance
It can increase the likelihood of successfully escaping dangerous situations
It increases vulnerability
It promotes overconfidence

What is the importance of practicing personal safety drills?

To make oneself vulnerable
To instill fear
To become more prepared for emergencies
To show off one's skills

What should you do if you encounter a suspicious package in a public place?

Open it to investigate its contents
Ignore it and walk away
Immediately report it to authorities and keep others away
Take it to lost and found

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