Immigration and Ellis Island Quiz

Explore Ellis Island's immigration history with 15 quiz questions. Learn about processing, famous immigrants, and immigration laws.


When did Ellis Island officially open as an immigrant processing station?


Which ocean does Ellis Island lie in close proximity to?

Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arctic Ocean

Which European country was the primary origin of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island?

United Kingdom

What percentage of immigrants were processed successfully at Ellis Island without being sent back?


What is the name of the immigration inspection station that preceded Ellis Island?

Liberty Island
Angel Island
Gateway Island
Freedom Island

What was the primary purpose of Ellis Island in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

Military base
Tourist attraction
Immigrant processing station
Trade port

Approximately how many immigrants passed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954?

1 million
5 million
12 million
20 million

In what year did Ellis Island cease operations as an immigrant processing station?


What role did the Great Depression play in the decline of immigration through Ellis Island?

Increased immigration
No impact on immigration
Decreased immigration
Shifted focus to other ports

What is the meaning of the term 'Green Card' in the context of immigration?

Permission to work
Proof of health insurance
Legal residence status
Financial support

Which government agency was responsible for processing immigrants at Ellis Island?

Department of Defense
Department of State
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Department of Agriculture

Which famous immigrant rights activist and co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union was processed at Ellis Island?

Emma Lazarus
Eleanor Roosevelt
Emma Goldman
Rosa Parks

What is the role of the National Origins Formula in U.S. immigration policy during the 1920s?

Promoting diversity
Prioritizing family reunification
Setting quotas based on nationality
Open-door policy

Which famous actor and director's family arrived at Ellis Island as immigrants from Italy?

Robert De Niro
Al Pacino
Martin Scorsese
Francis Ford Coppola

What is the significance of the American Immigrant Wall of Honor at Ellis Island?

List of immigrant names
Art installation
Memorial for veterans
Historical timeline

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