Factors Influencing Human Population Dynamics Quiz

Test your knowledge on density-dependent and density-independent factors, demographic transition, survivorship curves, and more.


Which of the following is a density-independent factor affecting population growth?

Resource availability
Climate change
Competition for mates

Which of the following is an example of a density-dependent factor regulating population size?

Natural disasters
Climate change
Disease outbreaks
Availability of sunlight

What is the approximate current world population as of 2024?

5 billion
7.5 billion
10 billion
12.5 billion

Which of the following is an example of a density-independent factor affecting population growth?

Competition for resources
Climate events

Which of the following is a push factor influencing human migration?

Job opportunities
Political stability
Natural disasters
Quality education

Which equation represents the logistic growth model?

dN/dt = rN
dN/dt = rN(K - N)/K
dN/dt = rN(1 - N/K)
dN/dt = rN(1 + N/K)

The demographic transition model involves transitions between which stages?

Pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial
Pre-agricultural, agricultural, industrial
Pre-modern, modern, post-modern
Primitive, traditional, modern

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Type I survivorship curve?

High survivorship throughout most of the lifespan
Typically observed in species with few offspring but high parental care
Commonly found in r-strategist species
Examples include humans and some large mammals

What is the relationship between population growth rate and the age structure diagram in an expanding population?

Pyramid-shaped age structure
Bell-shaped age structure
Inverted pyramid age structure
Column-shaped age structure

What term describes the maximum rate at which a population could increase under ideal conditions?

Carrying capacity
Biological potential
Intrinsic rate of increase
Population density

What does the term 'carrying capacity' refer to in ecology?

The maximum population size a habitat can support indefinitely
The rate at which a population grows under ideal conditions
The number of individuals needed to maintain genetic diversity
The amount of resources available per individual in a population

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