Which of the following is the correct compression-to-ventilation ratio for adult CPR?
For which of the following patients would you use the Heimlich maneuver?
An unconscious adult who is not breathing
A conscious adult who is choking and cannot cough, speak, or breathe
A patient experiencing a heart attack
A patient with a minor external bleeding
When performing CPR on an infant, how should you deliver chest compressions?
Use two fingers in the center of the chest just below the nipple line
Use one hand on the forehead and the other on the chest
Use both hands encircling the chest with thumbs pressing over the sternum
Use the heel of one hand in the center of the chest
Which of the following is a sign of effective chest compressions?
The victim regains consciousness
Visible chest rise during compressions
The chest visibly returns to its normal position after compression
The victim starts to breathe normally
For a choking infant, which method is recommended to relieve the obstruction?
Back slaps and chest thrusts
Abdominal thrusts
Finger sweeps
Shaking the infant
Which of the following is NOT a component of basic life support?
Early recognition and activation of the emergency response system
Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions
Rapid defibrillation
Administering oral medications
What is the recommended depth of chest compressions for an adult during CPR?
At least 1 inch
At least 2 inches
2.5 to 3 inches
At least 5 inches
What is the first step you should take when you approach a scene as a first responder?
Start chest compressions immediately
Check the scene for safety
Open the airway using the head-tilt, chin-lift method
Provide two rescue breaths
How often should you check for responsiveness and normal breathing in an unresponsive victim not breathing normally?
Every 1 minute
Every 2 minutes
Before and after each set of chest compressions
Only before starting CPR
What is the best action to take if a victim of choking becomes unconscious?
Continue the Heimlich maneuver
Start CPR beginning with chest compressions
Slap the victim on the back
Try to remove the visible obstruction only
What is the primary purpose of giving rescue breaths during CPR?
To restore the heart's normal rhythm
To provide oxygen to the lungs
To stimulate the victim to breathe on their own
To circulate blood to vital organs
In which scenario is it appropriate to stop CPR once it has been started?
The scene becomes unsafe
You are too tired to continue
Qualified help takes over
All of the above
When using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), what is the correct sequence of actions?
Turn on the AED, attach pads, stand back and then analyze the rhythm
Attach pads, turn on the AED, analyze the rhythm, and then stand back
Analyze the rhythm, attach pads, turn on the AED, and then stand back
Turn on the AED, analyze the rhythm, attach pads, and then stand back
Which of the following best describes the chain of survival for adults?
Early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, early advanced care
Early CPR, early access, early defibrillation, post-care recovery
Early defibrillation, early CPR, early access, early advanced care
Early access, early advanced care, early CPR, early defibrillation
What is the purpose of early defibrillation in the chain of survival?
To check the victim's heart rate
To restart the heart
To normalize the heart's rhythm
To provide oxygen to the brain
How should you modify CPR for a pregnant woman?
Perform compressions higher up on the sternum
Avoid giving rescue breaths
Tilt the patient to the left to relieve pressure on the inferior vena cava
Increase the compression depth
What is the significance of the 'Look, Listen, and Feel' technique in the context of CPR?
It is used to assess the quality of chest compressions
It is an outdated method for checking responsiveness
It is the current recommended method for checking breathing after initiating CPR
It is used to assess the scene safety before providing help
What action should be taken if defibrillation is needed and an AED indicates a 'shock advised' message?
Immediately perform chest compressions
Ensure no one is touching the victim and press the shock button
Check the victim's pulse before proceeding
Continue with rescue breaths only