Economic Systems and Business Structures Quiz

Test your knowledge on command economy, capitalism, mixed economy, business structures, and more. Limited liability, sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporations!


In a capitalist economic system, who determines the prices of goods and services?

Government authorities
Consumers and businesses
Labor unions
International organizations

Which business structure provides limited liability to its owners?

Sole proprietorship
Limited liability company (LLC)

Which of the following is a characteristic of a command economy?

Private ownership of resources
Centralized government planning
Market-driven production
Profit motive

What is a characteristic of a mixed economy?

Government controls all economic activities
No government intervention
Combination of private and government control
Consumer-driven production

In which economic system does the government play a minimal role, allowing market forces to determine production, distribution, and pricing?

Mixed economy

Which business structure combines features of a corporation and a partnership, providing limited liability and flexibility in management?

Sole proprietorship
Limited liability company (LLC)

Which economic system aims for social equality and collective ownership of resources?

Mixed economy

In a partnership, how is the decision-making authority typically distributed?

Centralized in one partner
Decentralized among all partners
Managed by a hired CEO
Controlled by government authorities

What is a disadvantage of a sole proprietorship?

Limited liability
Ease of formation
Unlimited personal liability
Tax advantages

What is a characteristic of a monopoly?

Multiple sellers in the market
Single seller dominating the market
Equal market share among competitors
Perfect competition

What is a key characteristic of a command economy?

Private ownership of resources
Market-driven production
Government control over economic decisions
Competition among businesses

What is the primary goal of a not-for-profit organization?

Maximizing shareholder profits
Minimizing costs
Providing public benefit
Competing for market share

What is a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

Few sellers dominating the market
Identical products and easy entry/exit
One seller controlling the entire market
High barriers to entry

What is a key feature of a cooperative business structure?

Limited liability for members
Profit maximization
Control by a single owner
Member ownership and decision-making

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